This is the first of several high angle formulas I'll cover. First, if you have never used a shooting formula in gunbound, Click here. This is a lot of reading, but it's worth learning. If you don't understand it, stare at the examples until you do.NEXT >>
The 2.4 formula
Step 1: Measure distance to the enemy.
Step 2: Choose correct 0-wind angle to send your shot that distance.
Step 3: Adjust for wind (I'll cover that later)
Step 4: Shoot with 2.4 bars of power (not always but usually)
This is a fixed power formula, meaning that your power level will always be "near" 2.4. It won't always be exactly 2.4, because you need to add a little power for longer shots. Also in certain kinds of wind it makes sense to add or reduce power. The angle will change constantly. You use different angles to hit different distances, but the power is always close to 2.4 bars.
Measuring distance to the target:
You can measure distance in 2 ways.1. How much "screen" is between you and the target.
2. How many "parts" are between you and the target.You never measure any other way like inches or centimeters. Why not? Because everyone's monitor is different, and the distance between you and your enemy will be different on a 20 inch monitor than it would be on a 15 inch monitor.
First, you should understand how to think in screen distances. See the picture below to get an idea of how to measure this way. It shows the 2 most basic screen measurements that almost all formulas will have - 1 screen and 1/2 screen.
Now that you understand screens, what do I mean by "parts"? Well, parts are a more precise way of marking the distances between you and a target. For this formula, 30 different angles will cover the entire screen, from 90 (hits yourself) to 60 (hits 1 screen distance). But it's not realistic to think in terms of your screen being divided into 30 parts or 30 angles (like in this picture). So what I do is break the screen into 6 parts. Each part covers 5 angles. So you memorize the landmarks separating one part from the next. The landmarks are shown below:
If you want, you can cheat and make a paper ruler and tape it under your monitor. It would look something like this. That's how I learned. But I recommend learning the on-screen landmarks rather than relying on a paper cheatsheet. Then you can go to sleep at night without terrible crushing guilt.
All of this stuff tells you how to shoot inside 1 screen in 0 wind.
Coming up next: How to deal with wind.